Friday, November 15, 2013

SP#4: Unit J Concept 5:Partial Fraction Decomposition with Distinct Factors

 Part 1 - Composing

- find the LCD & multiply to the numerator
- combine the like terms
 Part 2 - Setting up the partial fraction decomposition problem

- set the numerator to A, B, C, etc.
- multiply the numerators with the LCD
- combine the like terms
- set up the system by making an equation for each of the like terms and getting rid of the x's

Plug the system into your calculator- rref to check work
The answers should be the numerators of the equation you started with in part 1.

In this concept, you need to pay special attention to how we set up the problem for distinct factors. Moreover, be careful when you combine the like terms because it is very easy to make a mistake. Finally, pay attention to how I set up the system and plugged it into the calculator.  Good luck!!

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