Sunday, November 17, 2013

SP#5: Unit J Concept 6:Partial Fraction Decomposition with Repeated Factors

 <- This is your problem

1. Set up the partial fraction decomposition problem

- set the numerator to A, B, C, etc.
- multiply the numerators with the LCD
- combine the like terms
- set up the system by making an equation for each of the like terms and getting rid of the x's
 1. Add the first two variable equations from your system to get Equation #1.
2. Use elimination to add the remaining two problems from the system to get Equation #2.
3. Add Equation #1 & Equation #2 using elimination to get Equation #3.
4. Use elimination to add Equation #3 with one of the equations from the system. Solve for A.
5. Plug A into one of the equations from the system. Solve for B.
6. Plug B into  the system. Solve for C.
7. Plug C into the system. Solve for D.

Plug A, B, C, & D into the original set up for partial fraction decomposition.

In this concept, pay special attention to how I set up the partial fraction decomposition problem. Also, examine how concepts 5 and 6 are different because this concept deals with repeated factors. Finally, take special care not to mess up in eliminating or substituting. Good luck!

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